So about a week ago, Rolando and I headed to San Antonio for the Rumble on the River CX race. This is a race that Rob Kane has put on for a couple of years and is a absolutely fantastic course. In my opinion (and its an opinion that is based on a fairly limited exposure to CX courses) it is one of the better mixes of difficulty and flow.

Last year this course tore a Challenge Grifo from rim while trying to ride a steep concrete bank. This year the entire course had my number. I went down four times and the course managed to suck every last bit of fight out of me. I finished a disappointing 16th (that seems to be a theme for me this year) and it left me wondering if this entire year of cross was going to be lost. The form just doesn't seem to be getting any better.
As we headed back to Austin and had almost arrived at my house, a young girl rear-ended Rolando's SUV and our bikes on the hitch rack took the brunt of the force. Thankfully we weren't more than jarred by the impact but now we are trying to work with an insurance company to replace our cross bikes. I guess this was a sign that this cross season has faded away into the horizon. Here is one last picture of my faithful Van Dessel before it is laid to rest.
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