So it's done now and my body actually feels pretty good. I thought I might need some time off the bike in August but I've been riding and my training continues to progress. I feel as if I'm continuing to grow in my understanding of my body and how to train it. I'm looking forward to cyclocross season and with it cooler weather. There won't be much going on other then hopefully some mountain biking and training the next month so post may be limited.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
State TT Championship
So the State TT Championships came and went. I didn't have a bad ride, 57:47 which is a PR and tied for 9th in the Cat 3s but..... That is the reason for the delayed post, at first I was so bummed about the ride that I didn't feel I could accurately express my feelings about the ride. The performance wasn't disappointing but my power numbers were a good 5-7% low for the TT compared to the training leading up to the race. My position felt great on the bike but I felt as if I was fighting my body throughout the ride. My mind said "go" and my heart and legs said "we're trying", not "here's the power". At the same time I didn't feel as if I left anything on the course, I was trashed afterwards but I felt that my performance didn't accurately reflect my abilities and the training that led up to the race.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A New Project

So I'm starting a new project...

Working away with my new truing stand...

A close inspection reveals, wait, that's not a road wheel!!!
I have decided to humor my cyclocross roots and build a mountain bike. It's not going to be anything fancy. I went for light weight, functional, and relatively cheap. Parts have been coming in for the past month and a half and should hopefully be all here in the next two weeks. As I start building I'll post more pictures. Who knows what this bike will bring but it's a reason to throw my name in the Leadville Lottery. I'm looking forward to rediscovering the part of cycling that started me on this journey. (sorry for the crappy photos, I was lazy and used my iPhone instead of the Nikon)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sorry I haven't been posting much but I had to drop a quick note about how much I'm enjoying the Tour de France this year. It has been an extremely entertaining race. I'll write a real post soon....
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I thought I would pass along a couple of item I have been enjoying. Fair warning though, both contain, shall we say, colorful language. So if that type of things offends you maybe you pass on these, but if not, enjoy!!
First is a blog called Slam That Stem. It is a blog dedicated to just what its title would indicate, slamming of stems. For those of you not familiar with the term, slamming a stem is placing a stem as low as it can go the steerer of a fork and thereby removing ALL spacers. This look is very "pro" and I personally think, is more aesthetically pleasing. The guy who curates this blog (curates seems like the right word because is is really a collection of beautiful picture of bikes) does so with a sense of humor that I really appreciate.
Second is Flammecast and more specifically, their podcast which can be found on iTunes. Well done cycling podcast are exceptionally hard to find and one of the creators of Flammecast was part of a podcast called Velocast that I found and enjoyed right as it went off the air. This new podcast was recommended to me by a teammate and it has not disappointed. I would highly recommend it if you enjoy passionate discussion about pro cycling mostly but also a smattering of general bike stuff and nonsense. Unfortunately, just after I found Flammecast, John (who also did Velocast) encountered some health issues that required him to step away and it looks like it may be at an end. They have since released anther podcast and John, if you ever happen to read this, best of luck in getting past whatever you are dealing with. Selfishly, I hope for a quick recovery because I would love for you to come back and do more of the Flammecast.
I hope you enjoy these. If there are other cycling resources that you enjoy, please pass them along.
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July
Enjoyed a long holiday weekend and did 3 consecutive 2+ hour rides with a couple of my teammates Paul and Mike. The Sunday ride was one of the most enjoyable rides I've ever had. Tons of great conversation, meaningless attacks and taunts, and great urban roads. It feels great to be free and alive on the bike again. It's appropriate also that we recognize and remember our country's freedom today. A special thanks to anyone serving in our military preserving our amazing freedom. Happy 4th of July!!!
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